Friday 4 December 2015

Permulaan Baharu!

Hi guys!

Well tbh this is not my 1st blog. I've two blogs before which i have forgotten the passwords! Duhhh!!! You can view them here, and here

Basically for this blog, I will share what the hell that I m doing, did, done - basically like a virtual diary - to cater the needs of remembering the past and etc. I will also share some of my writings here, which some of them I will copy from my previous blog - click here

Well as the name resound - - it somehow the 'cinta-cintun' part of my life backdated from 2009. While for basically more about my poem, art essays and such.

A bit about myself, I am Tuk Kura. 24 years old dude who live and working in Ampang. An avid art enthusiast and also an artist as well art writer (perasan sikit). You can view my writing at where I jot a few notes down there for my colleague; ARTO Movement.

So yeah! Enjoy my blog yang tak seberapa ni.



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