Sunday 6 December 2015

Kenangan Lalu Mengusik Jiwa (KLMJ): 221114

Salam Sejahtera Ke Atas Kamu Semua!!!

Tarikh 22 November 2014 merupakan antara tarikh-tarikh penting bagi diriku. Aku ingat lagi tarikh itu. Hari Jumaat, 21 November 2014, aku menaiki ETS dari KL Sentral turun ke Stesen Batu Gajah. Tiket jam 9.00 malam. Ngam2 ada tiket untuk tren terakhir ETS. Syukur beb! Jam 11.30 malam (lebih kurang), aku sampai di Stesen Batu Gajah, lantas aku mendail nombor telefon seseorang.

"Hi you. I dah sampai Batu Gajah."
"Ok. Jap, dah on the way." jawabnya.
"Ok, I tunggu sini. Safe drive." balasku menamatkan perbualan kami.

Tak lama selepas itu, dia datang. Menyapaku dan kemudian membawaku pergi menaiki kereta beliau.

"Kita nak pergi mana ni? This date supposedly to pecah rekod our last date." ujarku.
"Like we've planned earlier. Kita pergi Marina. But in the mean time nak buat apa?"

Kami pun teruskan memandu. Biar saja pemandu yang membawa kami ke mana saja. Seingat aku, kami ada pergi ke McDonald di Aeon Manjung. Masing-masing memesan makanan dan kemudian kami duduk di situ.

"Episod Avatar Korra haritu tak dapat tengoklah you." ujarnya.
"Jom kita tengok sekarang nak?" cadangku. Dia mengangguk tanda setuju.

Aku buka laptop ku dan kami sama-sama menonton Avatar Korra. Kalau tak silap, antara episod-episod akhir siri tersebut. Sambil menonton, kami bersembang mengenai itu dan ini. Masa silam dan masa depan. Bagaimana dalam 5 tahun aku dan dia inginkan sebuah kafe dengan design begini dan begitu. Bagaimana sejarah silam menjadikan kami sekarang.

Setelah tamat Korra, kami pun terus ke Marina. Di sana kami berjalan di pantai sambil kaki menguis pasir di kaki. Kekadang duduk mengadap laut membiru, bayu malam menjengah tulang temulang kami. Ya Allah, sejuk ya amat. Kemudian kami duduk di jetty. Saat itu, kami bersembang lagi. Bercerita mengenai hati.

"Awak, saya mengantuklah."
"Nah amiklah bahu ni. Sandar dan tidurlah."

Sambil dia menyandarkan kepalanya ke bahuku, aku mengusap-usap lembut rambutnya. Aku berbisik perlahan ke telinganya,

"Bersaksikan bintang, bulan dan pantai ni..." aku terhenti sebentar, "Mana ada bulan malam ni!" aku menggaru-garu kepalaku yang tak gatal.
Satu cubitan hinggap di pinggangku, "Tak payah jiwang sangat boleh tak? Bulan takde, tetiba ada pula." Ketawa meletus di antara kami.
"Saya ni memang orang panggil Doktor Chenta tapi sangatlah hopeless romantic."
"Jadi diri sendiri aje awak. Saya suka awak sebab awak." jawabnya.
Merona merah pipiku. "Awak sudi tak membenarkan saya menjaga hati awak? Dan awak sudi tak jagakan hati saya?"
"Janji awak akan jaga hati saya? Takkan pernah lukakan dia? Sekali awak lukakan saya, saya akan delete kewujudan awak dalam hidup saya."
"Delete kewujudan macamana?" tanyaku.
"Saya akan padam nombor awak, block awak, remove awak dan lain-lain. Tak nak ambil tahu pasal awak." terangnya.
"Saya janji yang saya akan jaga hati awak. Saya takkan lupa untuk menjaganya selagi saya hidup. Saya nak jadikan awak ratu hati saya, jika awak sudi."
Dia terdiam.
"Diam tanda setuju tau awak?" usikku.
"Saya pun akan jaga hati awak."

Tarikh 22 Nov 2014 di Marina, merupakan tarikh aku dan dia menjadi satu. Saat tu, janji dilafazkan dan setahun selepas tu, 22 Nov 2015 di Taiping, kami di satukan dihadapan sanak saudara.

Aku lihat jam di tangan, dah hampir jam 5.30 pagi. Tapi kenapa matahari tak muncul-muncul lagi? Dalam rencanaku, lepas lamar nak tengok matahari terbit. Jarum jam mampir ke angka 6, matahari tidak terbit lagi. Kemudian aku baru teringat, aku biasa tengok matahari terbenam dekat Marina. Mana mungkin terbit dekat Marina. Nak kiamat kalau terbit dekat Marina. Aku menepuk dahi.

"Sayang, change of plan, matahari terbenam dekat Marina, bukan terbit." 

Friday 4 December 2015

031215 - Interview Session with Instructional Communication & Training

Peace be upon You, you and you!!!

Today; 031215 is the day that I've waited for quite sometimes (one week only maaa). It's the day for my interview session. Well it's not about me but I was interviewed on behalf of ARTO Movement.

I was interviewed by a group of students from Instructional  Communication & Training of UiTM. Among the questions asked were:

1. What is the revolutionary stuff that ARTO Movement did?

2. What is the forecast for ARTO Movement and you yourself in 5 and 10 years?

These 2 questions really hit me hard. What have been done by ARTO so far? In 5 years since the establishment of ARTO, what we have done and revolutionary stuff that we did? I paused for a while. *the camera still rolling* "Well to be honest, we haven't done a thing that can be called revolutionary. We are still young. We are only 5 years old, so we can do much plus with a year hiatus. But among the things we are proud of are the establishment of #KelasSeniARTO; an art class that utilise the virtual space - Whatsapp as the medium of class, #ARToHopping; a programme that promotes art galleries and galleries hopping - we did couple of this few months ago and visited few galleries and do art appreciations - next we have #ARToTalk & #ARToOpening where we share the location and life tweet telecast of what's happening during the talk or opening. But we never view these as revolutionary stuff. They were created as a mean of utilising what we have with our limited budget, sources and space." Answered me. While for the 2nd question, it was kinda personal as I view ARTO as my own child. I co founded it with fellow members so the feeling is real. "What I see ARTO in 5-10 years? Well of course for it to be bigger, better and wiser. I hope that ARTO and I can grow old, wiser together. I hope that ARTO can expand and be more useful to all. I hope ARTO can gives back to the society. 'We give what we get to the people.' I hope in 5 years, ARTO will has it own space, it own residency and maybe gallery which it is the place for young artists to exhibit and organize event. I see it becoming true in 2020, InsyaAllah."

Among all the question asked, these two were the toughest to answer. I would like to thank Maryam and the rest of the team (see I've forgotten their name already. Silly me. I'm so sorry) for given me and ARTO the pleasure of being interviewed.

Thank you. 

BLA, BLA, BLA... The Story Behind Everything... BLA, BLA, BLA...

Hi guys (again)?

Pretty much this blog is meant for babbles, bla,bla & bla...So yeah, I'll write more and more here. Plus I have some motivation in doing so. Just to share with you guys, I am officially engaged now (22nd Nov 2015 to be exact) with a lovely, bubbly, outgoing kinda girl. Her name is Shaika Nur Nadwah.

So I would like to share the story behind how we met. How this Kura met and fall in love with this cutey. It will be a long post, sure it will. Believe me, but I'll cut it short. I'll jot down few dates that are really meant a lot to us.

We began going out around Sept 2014. But throughout that time, we never officially declare ourselves as a couple or whatsoever. Just a friend. We are pretty much close as we have common interest among them are theater and art. I'm a fine art major and an avid theater enthusiast (Mak and Abah was in theater group during 80s-90s so I've been influenced by them) and I've worked in school's play as well theater group in Uni. So we have something in common there. :)

On 28th Sept, I have the courage to ask her out. (Well nasib baik she answered YES, happy me!) Supposedly she was going to meet her friend; Cahaya and Kamarul whom are an acquaintance of mine as well at PORT (People of Remarkable Talent). I am not sure what is the occasion earlier that day at PORT. So back to the story, she said that she will arrived late. So I texted her, "Wanna go for a play? Tonight there is a play at Badan Budaya Perak" and her replied was, "Sure. So where do we meet up?But first, I need to go to the mosque. Nak solat." And my answered was, "You just go to Masjid Negeri and solat. I'll be there in about 20-30mins." Then we met at masjid and drove her car to Badan Budaya Perak to watch Teater Tok Wali. After the show, we went to PORT as there was a gig there. We arrived just before the gig ended. The last band playing was Bunkface. As Shaika enjoyed the performance, I was like stood at one end, and feel the music run through my vein. LOL.
Later that night, around 0145h, we went to Padang Ipoh as my car was parked there. I remember that she once said to me, among her 'things to do before i die' is documenting 7 of Ernest Zacharevic's murals in the Old Town Ipoh. So I asked her, "I know this might sounds crazy, but nak tak kita buat mural hunt tonight?" Indeed, it was such a insane idea as it was at the middle of night - 0145hours dude! - plus it was raining a bit. She answered excitedly, "Yes!" So we went on the so called "Mural Hunt" that night. It was something memorable and exciting.We had to use GPS (GPS just to find murals ok? HAHAHAHA), torchlight just to locate the whereabouts of all the 7 murals. Alhamdulillah, we did make it. We found all 7. Around 4am, we headed to our home - she drove back to Seri Iskandar and I drove back to Kg Manjoi. It was a fun night and sparkled the love inside. hahahaha... The next day, I catch a cold lol!

So the next date? Nanti lah I cerita. Takkan nak tell the whole story in one shot right? Hahahaha.

Till next time!!!

Permulaan Baharu!

Hi guys!

Well tbh this is not my 1st blog. I've two blogs before which i have forgotten the passwords! Duhhh!!! You can view them here, and here

Basically for this blog, I will share what the hell that I m doing, did, done - basically like a virtual diary - to cater the needs of remembering the past and etc. I will also share some of my writings here, which some of them I will copy from my previous blog - click here

Well as the name resound - - it somehow the 'cinta-cintun' part of my life backdated from 2009. While for basically more about my poem, art essays and such.

A bit about myself, I am Tuk Kura. 24 years old dude who live and working in Ampang. An avid art enthusiast and also an artist as well art writer (perasan sikit). You can view my writing at where I jot a few notes down there for my colleague; ARTO Movement.

So yeah! Enjoy my blog yang tak seberapa ni.

